苹果即将发布全新 iPad:换上 mini LED、搭载 A14X、支持 5G

苹果新款 iPad Pro 预计会在今年 3 月份发布,如果备货量不是太充足的话,那么苹果是要考虑

一定的延期,因为目前他们仍然面临不少产品生产供应不上需求的局面,比如 iPhone 12 Pro

系列 ... 全新 mini LED 屏幕 iPad Pro 将搭载 A14X 芯片,同时内置高通的骁龙 X55 调制解调

器,支持 mmWave 毫米波和 Sub-6GHz,同时将换上于 5nm 制造工艺的 A14X 处理器,同时

还有至少 6GB 的内存 ... 至于这款新品的售价,虽然屏幕进行了升级,不过苹果应该不会大幅

涨价,产业链消息人士也是表示,苹果应该在新 iPad Pro 的定价上与之前的保持一致,国行预

计还是 6200 元左右。Apple is about to launch a new iPad with mini led, a14x and 5g

Apple's new iPad Pro is expected to be released in March this year. If the stock is not enough, then Apple should consider it

There will be a certain delay, because they are still facing the situation that the production and supply of many products can not meet the demand, such as the iPhone 12 pro

Series... The new mini LED screen iPad Pro will be equipped with a14x chip and built-in Qualcomm's snapdragon x55 modem

It supports mmwave millimeter wave and sub-6ghz, and will be replaced by a14x processor in 5nm manufacturing process

And at least 6GB of memory... As for the price of this new product, although the screen has been upgraded, Apple should not make a big difference

Price rise, industry chain sources also said that Apple should keep the price of the new iPad pro in line with the previous one

It's about 6200 yuan.