特斯拉年交付电动车逼近 50 万辆 低价 Model Y 测压本土品牌

1 月 2 日,网上开始流传一些特斯拉门店挤满顾客的照片和视频,尽管无法看清这些顾客围观

的是否为 Model Y 车型,但是特斯拉的 Model Y 已经在社交媒体上引起轰动效应 ... 还有一位

从事与高精地图相关的业内人士对第一财经记者表示:特斯拉凭借最初的高端 Model S 和

Model X 车型营造了巨大的光环效应,现在它开始用 20 万至 30 万元的车型吸引更大的消费群

体,让很多人觉得高端品牌的电动车也能够负担得起 ... 一些外媒称,国产特斯拉 Model Y 发布

的 10 小时内,订单就突破了 10 万辆,尽管特斯拉内部人士认为这一数据被夸大了,但是这也

足以反映 Model Y 在中国的火爆。

Tesla delivers nearly 500000 electric vehicles annually, low price model y is a local brand

On January 2, photos and videos of Tesla stores packed with customers began to circulate online, although they could not be seen

Is it model y, but Tesla's model y has caused a sensation on social media... There's another one

People in the industry who are engaged in high-precision mapping told China first financial: Tesla relies on its initial high-end model s and

Model X has created a huge halo effect, and now it begins to attract a larger consumer group with 200000-300000 yuan models

Some foreign media said that the domestic Tesla Model y was released

Within 10 hours, the order exceeded 100000 vehicles. Although Tesla insiders think that this figure is exaggerated, it is not surprising

It is enough to reflect the popularity of model y in China.